57 Paper Details
Management Of Natural Assets And Envýronment In Islam And Sufý Tradýtýon
Cemal Fi·dan, Rüstem Kýrýþ
Supreme Creator (Allah) has created humankind as an honorable creature and put all things to their disposal, i.e. living things and non-living things in the Earth Planet. According to Sufism, humankind was composed of two spiritual sides “angelic and animal”. Allah has given the angelic side of spirit (ASS) to the order of wisdom while the animal side of spirit (ALS) tends to lead a life of pleasure in this world. In other words ASS takes support from goodness, pray, thanksgiving and meditation for Allah, conversely ALS from extreme nourishment, sleeping, entertaining, and etc. The person, who believes only this world’s life, had behaved wishing and demanding to maintain better and snugger life, thus he had tended towards to overuse the resources. Therefore, environmental (ecological) balance has been deteriorated. It is no doubt that the main issue is to act consciously while restraining the demands and desires of ASS and ALS, but not regardless the great thought gained by teaching humankind to approach to the two kinds of mind. We will try to explain how the intelligent life would be progressed towards the strong and balanced person respecting the spiritual side inspired from verses , prophet’s sayings, and Sufi tradition.
Published in:
3rd International Symposium on Environment and Morality (ISEM2016) 4-6 Nov 2016 Alanya/Antalya - Turkey